Caroline Hudson:
Private Tutoring
For Primary School Children

As a highly-skilled primary teacher, I have over 30 years’ experience teaching children right across the age ranges and have been the lead teacher for both English and Maths in a variety of settings.

I offer private tutoring services for your primary-aged child. 

Within a 5-mile radius of Guiseley, Leeds, I can visit you at home to provide one-to-one, bespoke tutoring in Reading, Writing or Maths. 

For children up to Year 3 I would recommend 30 minute sessions. Year 3 to Year 6 can be from 30-60 minute sessions - depending on what help you are looking for, and the needs of your child. 

If you are further away, or prefer an online session, these can be arranged too - just get in touch. Online sessions are available for children from Year 3 upwards. 

If you would like to find out more about how I can support your child, please email, or contact me on 07915 720699.