The Kitchen Table Teacher blog

Tips, advice and news, for parents of primary school children, from experienced teacher Caroline Hudson.

What is an array and what is it for?
Caroline Hudson Caroline Hudson

What is an array and what is it for?

Do you struggle with your primary child’s maths work?

How does it make you feel?

Do some of the words put you off and make you feel like a failure?

Do you feel like it’s so different to how you learned (or struggled to learn) at school - so you step back?

Does this cause tensions and misery?

You are not alone. These blogs are designed to help you feel better and more confident with the maths your child is doing at school. You shouldn’t have to feel this way.

They are laid out with pictures and explanations and I’m always happy to chat with you about them. Do get in touch if you want to know more.

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What is a fact family?
Caroline Hudson Caroline Hudson

What is a fact family?

Lots of Maths phrases are confusing. Have you ever wondered what a fact family is? Read on to find out more.

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What are number bonds?
Caroline Hudson Caroline Hudson

What are number bonds?

Parents are often asked to help their children learn their number bonds but are not really sure what they are. Find out here.

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