What is an array and what is it for?

One way of learning about multiplying and dividing is by drawing or making an “array”. It is a very simple, visual tool which helps children organise the information.

An array is simply a rectangular grid with rows and columns. It is used to show represent multiplication and division facts visually. At home, egg boxes, chocolate boxes, cupcake tins and all sorts show arrays and are great for putting objects in to count.

It’s a great, visual way of representing multiplying and dividing statements so that children can see clearly what they are doing.

These can also show that 6 has been divided into 2 groups of 3 and 3 groups of 2.

We can make arrays for any multiplication/division fact. They need to be in straight lines and underneath each other so that the number of items in each row or column is easy to see – and that the amounts in each are the same.


They also represent division statements and help children to work out associated facts. They can do this by drawing or making an array and grouping the correct amounts within it.

The arrays above can show 6÷3=2   and 6÷2=3

It helps children understand how interchangeable these facts are.

Below is another array for 5x4=20, 4x5=20, 20÷5=4 and 20÷4=5.

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