Supporting Your Child in Year One & Two - Online Course (Live on Zoom)


Feel confident to support your child’s learning as they progress through Year One.

5 x 45-minute sessions in small friendly groups, held online on Zoom.

As your child begins to move into slightly more formal-looking classrooms, you will find yourself thinking about what will change, what is coming up and what you might need to do.

In Year One and Two, there are areas of learning which your child must be taught, by law, and which build on their learning from this year. Phonics, reading with understanding, writing skills and maths begin to move forward at quite a pace, and parents often feel a bit bewildered with only their own school memories to rely on!

Teachers are great at sensitively and appropriately guiding children through these countrywide expectations. If parents are “in the know”, they can confidently assist and feel part of the process – making for happy learners and happy parents!

Experienced teacher Caroline’s information sessions are tailored expertly to the learning areas where parents can make an amazing impact, when they help at home. She shares trade secrets, background information and lots of resources all of which are useful and important for your child’s learning.

You will get all the information you need, with discussion and explanations of processes like phonics, learning how and what to write, and the special place of maths skills in the real world.

Parents often feel unsure about one or more of these areas but Caroline patiently and carefully leads you through the processes so you can see how it all fits together. There are always lots of opportunities to try resources out, ask questions and support each other.

This course includes five sessions held online on Zoom.

Tuesdays 8pm - 8.45pm

Start dates: 4 June & 24 September 2024. Choose your preferred start date when booking.

£75 for 5 weeks, including downloadable resources.

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Feel confident to support your child’s learning as they progress through Year One.

5 x 45-minute sessions in small friendly groups, held online on Zoom.

As your child begins to move into slightly more formal-looking classrooms, you will find yourself thinking about what will change, what is coming up and what you might need to do.

In Year One and Two, there are areas of learning which your child must be taught, by law, and which build on their learning from this year. Phonics, reading with understanding, writing skills and maths begin to move forward at quite a pace, and parents often feel a bit bewildered with only their own school memories to rely on!

Teachers are great at sensitively and appropriately guiding children through these countrywide expectations. If parents are “in the know”, they can confidently assist and feel part of the process – making for happy learners and happy parents!

Experienced teacher Caroline’s information sessions are tailored expertly to the learning areas where parents can make an amazing impact, when they help at home. She shares trade secrets, background information and lots of resources all of which are useful and important for your child’s learning.

You will get all the information you need, with discussion and explanations of processes like phonics, learning how and what to write, and the special place of maths skills in the real world.

Parents often feel unsure about one or more of these areas but Caroline patiently and carefully leads you through the processes so you can see how it all fits together. There are always lots of opportunities to try resources out, ask questions and support each other.

This course includes five sessions held online on Zoom.

Tuesdays 8pm - 8.45pm

Start dates: 4 June & 24 September 2024. Choose your preferred start date when booking.

£75 for 5 weeks, including downloadable resources.

Feel confident to support your child’s learning as they progress through Year One.

5 x 45-minute sessions in small friendly groups, held online on Zoom.

As your child begins to move into slightly more formal-looking classrooms, you will find yourself thinking about what will change, what is coming up and what you might need to do.

In Year One and Two, there are areas of learning which your child must be taught, by law, and which build on their learning from this year. Phonics, reading with understanding, writing skills and maths begin to move forward at quite a pace, and parents often feel a bit bewildered with only their own school memories to rely on!

Teachers are great at sensitively and appropriately guiding children through these countrywide expectations. If parents are “in the know”, they can confidently assist and feel part of the process – making for happy learners and happy parents!

Experienced teacher Caroline’s information sessions are tailored expertly to the learning areas where parents can make an amazing impact, when they help at home. She shares trade secrets, background information and lots of resources all of which are useful and important for your child’s learning.

You will get all the information you need, with discussion and explanations of processes like phonics, learning how and what to write, and the special place of maths skills in the real world.

Parents often feel unsure about one or more of these areas but Caroline patiently and carefully leads you through the processes so you can see how it all fits together. There are always lots of opportunities to try resources out, ask questions and support each other.

This course includes five sessions held online on Zoom.

Tuesdays 8pm - 8.45pm

Start dates: 4 June & 24 September 2024. Choose your preferred start date when booking.

£75 for 5 weeks, including downloadable resources.